Free Combination Skin Consultation


When the skin feels dry in one area and oily in another area, looks flaky on the cheek but big pores appearance around T-zone are what best describe Combination Skin. The science behind this skin type is when some area of your skin has more active sebum production glands, which usually located around T-zone and the rest of the skin has less active sebum production glads, which appears drier.

Same as the other skin types, Combination Skin came from inherited genetics, however, the harsh skincare products could potentially make it worse. If combination skin doesn’t get the right treatment, it might lead to uneven skin tone, wrinkles, clogged pores, and breakouts.

Book your free natural skincare consultation here to get the right treatment for your combination skin now.


A skin type where a certain area of the face has more active sebum production glands and the rest has less active sebum production glands.

The Cause:

Genetics, fluctuating hormones

The issue:

Shiny or greasy skin appearance, pores visibly enlarged around T-zone area; rough texture, flaky skin, appears dry around cheek

The Solution:

Balance out sebum production in both areas, maintain pH balance, deep moisturize dry area, allowing skin to breathe

The Lifestyle:

Avoid harsh skincare, better nutrition, eliminate stress, etc


Combination skin is not a rare skin type, it is super common. In fact, it is thought to be the most common type of skin out there. Controlling skin issues can be difficult without proper knowledge of combination skin, however, it is pretty simple once you understand the basic idea.

 The T-zone area might be prone to whitehead, blackhead and bacteria and other underlying reason behind acne, meanwhile the dry area have a rough texture, appear flaky and more prone to fine lines and wrinkles. These two areas combined will create the appearance of uneven skin tone.

Using wrong products on your combination skin will result in worst condition for either the oily area or the dry area.

Book your free consultation here to treat your combination skin.



1-Hour Extensive Natural Skincare Consultation 

Pre-Consultation: To start, simply detail your current skin, current beauty routine and your skin goals on the provided form. 

Consultation: After reviewing the details you’ve provided, I will prepare a natural skin care strategy that is perfectly customized to your needs.

This will include: 

  • Detailed Skin Analysis 
  • Personalized Natural Skincare Regimen
  • Skin-Specific Nutritional Consulting
  • Skin-Specific Lifestyle Consulting
  • In-Depth Q&A and Natural Skincare Consulting

You will walk away from the consultation with all the tools you need to minimize your exposure to synthetic chemicals and implement effective natural ingredient solutions that will improve the look, feel and health of your skin.

Post-Consultation: You will receive a personalized natural skincare report of everything we covered, so you can successfully make all the necessary simple routine adjustments. 


I’m only a quick email or message away, reach out and say hi now! 


“Our mission is to help you achieve your perfect skin with the science of body and nature

through detailed personalized skincare, nutrition and lifestyle instruction.”