Free Sensitive Skin Consultation


Sensitive skin types may exhibit the characteristics of other skin type but also often flushes red and burns or stings at the slightest provocation. Same as other skin types, genetics play a big role. However, it is also good to check histamine levels and knowing any allergies in the body that can make the skin more susceptible to inflammatory.

In the other side, people are also experiencing sensitized skin. Sensitized skin is a skin condition and not skin type and should not be mistaken as sensitive skin. Sensitized skin is caused by harsh skincare products, environment, and lifestyle.

Both sensitive skin and sensitized skin will show similar issues such as burning, itching, swelling, uneven texture, facial redness, rashes, breakouts, and discomfort, however, improper treatment will make both skin type and skin condition worse.

Book your free natural skincare consultation today to find out about your skin type and/or skin condition and get the proper treatment.


A skin type which more prone to slight irritants either from external or internal

The Cause:

Genetic, histamine level

The issue:

Burning sensations, itching, swelling, facial redness, rashes, breakouts, uneven textures, discomfort, etc

The Solution:

Avoid irritant, deep moisturize and hydrate skin, the balance of active and soothing ingredients, create a skin barrier, balance skin pH

The Lifestyle:

Avoid harsh skincare, keep track of allergens, add important nutrition, hydration from inside out, etc


A temporary skin condition which caused by daily habits and environmental factors.

The Cause:

Harsh skincare, extreme weather, poor nutrition, etc

The issue:

Burning sensations, itching, swelling, facial redness, rashes, breakouts, uneven textures, discomfort, etc

The Solution:

Determine the trigger, increase soothing ingredients, deeply hydrate the skin, create skin barrier, create skin pH balance, avoid irritants.

The Lifestyle:

Eliminate or avoid the trigger, avoid harsh skincare, understanding the limit, add important nutrition to create tolerance



1-Hour Extensive Natural Skincare Consultation 

Pre-Consultation: To start, simply detail your current skin, current beauty routine and your skin goals on the provided form. 

Consultation: After reviewing the details you’ve provided, I will prepare a natural skin care strategy that is perfectly customized to your needs.

This will include: 

  • Detailed Skin Analysis 
  • Personalized Natural Skincare Regimen
  • Skin-Specific Nutritional Consulting
  • Skin-Specific Lifestyle Consulting
  • In-Depth Q&A and Natural Skincare Consulting

You will walk away from the consultation with all the tools you need to minimize your exposure to synthetic chemicals and implement effective natural ingredient solutions that will improve the look, feel and health of your skin.

Post-Consultation: You will receive a personalized natural skincare report of everything we covered, so you can successfully make all the necessary simple routine adjustments. 


I’m only a quick email or message away, reach out and say hi now! 


“Our mission is to help you achieve your perfect skin with the science of body and nature

through detailed personalized skincare, nutrition and lifestyle instruction.”